
  1. The main objective shall be the common central need of the members.

  2. To encourage thrift, self help and cooperation amongst the members and to promote the development of cooperative ideas and enterprises among its members.

  3. To create funds to be lent out to, or invested for its members for their benefit.

  4. To assist the poor, needy, down trodden, unemployed, to get them employment by helping them to undertake and form self help groups for achieving the objective.

  5. To help in imparting technical training and guidance by procuring the services of suitable experts.

  6. To do the work diligently and honestly in the national interest and in the interest of society and members.

  7. To buy or acquire land by purchase or otherwise.

  8. To lay out land to suit the requirement of the society in shape of roads, parks, playgrounds, school, community halls and other social amenities.

  9. To lay out land as house sites for the benefits of the members of the society.

  10. To construct or cause to be constructed buildings or otherwise of common utility to the society.

  11. To hold, sell, mortgage, lease, hire or otherwise dispose of land, house, house sites buildings and all other properties movable or immovable as may be necessary for carrying out objects of the society.

  12. To establish and maintain social, recreational, educational, public health or medical institution for the benefit of the members.

  13. To raise funds required for the business of the society.

  14. To repair, alter or otherwise deal with the buildings of the society.

  15. To lease, sub-lease, surrender, accept surrenders of the land and deal with land of any tenure.

  16. To do all things necessary expedient for the accomplishment of the aforesaid objects and for the comfort, convenience and in the economic interest of the members in several.

  17. To take contract of all nature for employment generation in the area, to raise income for the society for its smooth running through the contract or otherwise.

  18. To purchase movable or immovable assets or to take the same on rent, lease, contract or otherwise.

  19. To undertake farming of all types of agricultural, horticulture, floriculture and cash crops by creating self help group or on contract or otherwise for generation of employment and for raising the fund for the society through the income out of such activity.

  20. To undertake direct, indirect marketing of all types of product and to undertake all such activities to achieve the objects of the society.

  21. To establish consumer cooperative of all types of household goods, agricultural goods, seeds, manures, chemicals, equipment etc and to deal with them to achieve the objects of the society.

  22. To establish coaching classes for drop out students in the regular conventional and non-conventional education system of the state and country to increase the literacy level in the society.

  23. To establish adult education, formal and non-formal education, cooking classes, sewing classes, knitting classes to develop entrepreneurship skills among the member and also for the benefit of the needy, unemployed and poor for the purpose of employment generation through various means.

  24. To work in the field of conventional and non-conventional sources of energy for various activities.

  25. To establish school, colleges of all types; technical or non-technical to increase the level of literacy and imparting knowledge and skills with the active participation of members of the society or with the help of skilled and experts in the field.

  26. To establish old age homes, homes for mentally retarded children, orphanage and similar institutions for the benefit of the society and to run them with the help of the members of the society and experts in the field.

  27. To establish blood banks, eye banks, donor banks to help the poor, needy, distressed and ailing with the help of the member of the society and expert in the field.

  28. To promote general health, sanitation, cleanliness and to promote self help groups, committees in the colony for promotion of general health in accordance with the law of the land.

  29. To do all such act and undertake all such activities which will ultimately help the society, the members and general public and to the state of Jharkhand and the nation as a whole which has not been specifically mentioned herein-above time to time as may be required and cannot be visualized at present as a whole in the greater interest of all in general.